English Name: Yellow-stripe monocle bream
Local Name: Dhon fattaa kandu uniya
Order: Perciformes
Size: Max. 21 cm
Specimen: MRS/0181/88

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 10 spines and 9 rays. Anal fin with 3 spines and 7 rays. Pectoral fin with 2 unbranched and 15 or 16 branched rays. Body depth 2.9-3.1 in standard length. 4 rows of transverse scales between lateral line and first dorsal spine. Patch of scales on top of head truncated anteriorly. Pelvic fins long, reaching to or just beyond anus. Caudal fin forked
Colour: Body silvery-white, dusky blue on back. A broad golden-yellow line from behind eye to
caudal fin. Snout dusky. A narrow pale bluish stripe joining eyes behind nostrils. Caudal fin goldenyellow.
Habitat and Biology: Benthic species. Inhabits shallow waters. Usually found over sandy areas within reefs. Feeds primarily on small benthic crustaceans.
Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean, including the Maldives.
Remarks: Scolopsis auratus was previously referred as S. personatus by most authors.. Members of the genus Scolopsis are common in the Maldives.