English Name: Slender threadfin bream
Local Name: Janbu kandu uniya
Order: Perciformes
Size: Max. 18.5 cm
Specimen: MRS/0447/96

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 10 spines and 9 rays. Anal fin with 3 spines and 7 rays. Pectoral fin with 2 unbranched, 13-16 branched rays. Body depth 3.8-4.6 in standard length. Body elongated. Lower margin of eye tangental to or just above a line from tip of snout to upper base of pectoral fin. Pectoral and pelvic fins short, not reaching anus. Caudal fin forked, upper lobe prolonged.
Colour: Upper part of body reddish, silvery below. Dorsal fin yellow with a bright yellow margin. Anal fin pale lilac with a series of elongated yellow spots. Caudal fin pinkish, lobes pale yellow.
Habitat and Biology: Benthic species. Inhabits sandy bottoms near rocks in depths between 10 and 125 m. Swims in groups. Feeds on benthic organisms.
Distribution: Indo-West Pacific.
Remarks: Neinipterus zysron appear to be rather uncommon in the Maldives. This species has been treated under the name N. inetopias by most previous authors.