English Name: Violet soldierfish
Local Name: Vailet dhanbodu
Order: Beryciformes
Size: Common to 18cm; max. 23 cm
Specimen: MRS/0l97/88

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 10 spines, followed by I spine and 13-16 rays. Anal fin with 4 spines and 12-14 rays. Pectoral fin with 15 rays. Body oblong. Body depth 1.9-2.5 in standard length. Small scales usually present on inner pectoral axil. Third and fourth anal spines subequal or fourth slightly longer. A single pair of tooth patches outside mouth at front of lower jaw.
Colour: Bluish to reddish-silver, the scales on back broadly rimmed in deep purple to black, those on side and ventral part of body edged in red. Median fins mainly red without black pigment.
Habitat and Biology: A coral reef species of shallow water, particularly in protected areas.
Distribution: lndo-Pacific.
Remarks: Mvripristis violacea is very easily identified because of its distinctive colouration. Soldierfishes and squirelfishes are able to emit sounds both as warning signals and in order to communicate.