Myripristis pralinia Cuvier, 1829

English Name: Scarlet soldierfish
Local Name: Ali dhanbodu
Size: Max. 20 cm

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 10 spines, followed by 1 spine and 14-16 rays. Anal fin with 4 spines and 13-15 rays. Pectoral fin with 15 rays. Body oblong. No scales on inner pectoral axil, fourth anal spine slightly longer than third. Asingle pair of tooth patches at symphysis of lower jaw just outside mouth. Front of lower jaw fitting into a shallow notch in upper jaw.

Colour: Head, body and fins scarlet. Upper part of opercular membrane black. Black blotch on pectoral axil. No black pigment on median fins.

Habitat and Biology: Occurs on coral reefs usually at depths less than 10 m. Nocturnal.

Distribution: Indo-Pacific.

Remarks: Myripristis pralinia can be best identified by the restricted shoulder bar. Teeth on the outside of the lower jaw sometimes developed into conspicuous knob.