English Name: Snake mackerel
Local Name: Ali tholhi
Order: Perciformes
Size: Max. 1 m (standard length)
Specimen: MRS/P0186/88

Distinctive Characters; Dorsal fin divided. First part with 26-32 spines, then 1 spine and 11-14 rays, followed by 5-7 finlets. Anal fin with 10-12 rays and 5-6 finlets. Pectoral fin with 12-15 rays. Body greatly elongate and strongly compressed. Two lateral lines. Pelvic fins reduced. Caudal fin forked.
Colour: Uniformly dark grey brown with light metallic reflections. Sometimes a few small black spots on pectoral fin base. Fins dark brown with darker margins.
Habitat and Biology: Oceanic. Occurs at depths to at least 200 m or more. Often found near surface at night, attracted by night light. Feeds on a wide variety of fishes, crustaceans and cephalopods.
Distribution: World-wide in warm waters.
Remarks: The specimen of Gempv/us serpens on which this report is made was caught by longline from R.V. ‘Matha Han’ about 30 miles east of Lhaviyani Atoll on 10th February 1988.