English Name: Many-banded pipefish
Local Name: Galhi kendi venu bandeyri
Order: Gasterosteiformes
Size: Max. 17.5 cm
Specimen: MRS/0243/88

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 20-23 rays. Pectoral fin with 18-22 rays. Trunk rings 16. Tail rings 19-20.
Colour: Numerous narrow brownish red bars present on body. 4-6 dark bands on opercie.
Habitat and Biology: Often found in caves, on the reef slope.
Distribution: Western Indian Ocean.
Remarks: Dunckerocampus multiannulatus is sometimes classified in the genus Doryrhamphus. It is fairly common in the Maldives, but easily overlooked by divers because it lives in small dark caves.