English Name: Bigeye trevally
Local Name: Haluvimas
Order: Perciformes
Size: Common to 60cm; max. 85 cm
Specimen: MRS/00l3/86

Distinctive Characters: First dorsal fin with 8 spines, second dorsal fin with I spine and 19-22 rays. Anal fin with 2 detached spines, followed by I spine and 14-17 rays. Oblong and moderately compressed body. Dorsal profile more convex than the ventral. Breast fully scaled except of small areajust anterior to pelvic finbase. Adipose eyelid well developed.
Colour: Greenish brown above, silvery white below. A blackish spot on upper edge of gill cover, smaller than the eyediameter. Soft dorsal and caudal fin yellowish grey. Anal and lower lobe of caudal fin yellowish. In adults dorsal fin lobes with white tip. Young with six broad blackish bars.
Habitat and Biology: A common reef-associated species, semi-demersal to a depth of 50 m. Nocturnal in behavior and forms milling schools by day. Feeds on crustaceans, squids, cuttlefish and small fish.
Distribution: Indo-Pacific.
Remarks: Caranx sevfasciatus is mainly caught by night handline and is common on artificial reefs and wrecks. Can easily be approached by divers and even snorklers.