English Name: Bluefin trevally
Local Name: Fani handhi
Order: Perciformes
Size: Max. I m
Specimen: MRS/0049/86

Distinctive Characters: First dorsal fin with 8 spines, second dorsal fin with I spine and 2 1-24 rays. Anal fin with 2 detached spines, followed by I spine and 17-20 rays. Total gill rakers (including rudiments on first arch) 25-29. Dorsal profile of head and ventral profile nearly straight. Anterior rays of dorsal, pectoral and anal fin falcate. Breast fully scaled. Entire straight part of the lateral line with scutes.
Colour: Body greenish blue above, silvery below. Irregularly scattered black spots on head and body. Fins blue. Fins of juveniles and young adults pale to dusky, except pectorals yellow.
Habitat and Biology: A reef-associated species most common in offshore areas in depths from 3-40 m. Solitary or forms small schools around coral reefs. Feeds mainly on fish and crustaceans.
Distribution: Indo-Pacific and Eastern Pacific.
Remarks: Caranx melampygus is the most common jack on Maldivian reefs. This species is most active during early morning and late afternoon, but it also hunts at night. A colourful trevally not shy of divers.