English Name: Backspine cowfish
Local Name: Kashi gonu
Order: Tetraodontiformes
Size: Max. 23 cm
Specimen: MRS/0437/94
Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 9 rays. Anal fin with 9 rays. Pectoral fin with 11-12 rays. Carapace quadrangular in cross section, hut with a median ridge and large thorn-like spine in the middle of back. Bottom of carapace slightly convex. A pair of sharp horns anteriorly from head at level with upper edge of eye. A second short pair posteriorly. Caudal fin rounded.
Colour: Light brown with blue spots or narrow irregular blue bands. Fins pale.
Habitat and Biology: Commonly seen on sand, rubble or weedy areas with patchy corals, to depths of about 30 m. Occurs singly or in pairs.
Distribution: Indo-Pacific.
Remarks: Lacroriafornasini, like other cowfishes and boxfishes, is a slow swimmer. They propel themselves by a sculling action of the dorsal andanal fins; the caudal fin is brought into action when they want to move faster. Appears to be rare in Maldives.