English Name: Goldlined rabbitfish
Local Name: Thammas
Order: Perciformes
Size: Common to 25 cm: max. 43 cm
Specimen: MRS/0037/86

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 13 spines and 10 rays. Anal fin with 7 spines and 9 rays. Pectoral fin with 17 rays. Body depth 1.8-2.2 in standard length. Body deep and compressed. Dorsal profile of head slightly convex. Scales minute. Caudal fin slightly forked.
Colour: Bluish above, silvery below. Horizontal golden lines on sides. The lines are broken into spots on the dorsal and anal sides of the fish and also at the caudal peduncle. A large golden spot below the soft dorsal.
Habitat and Biology: Occurs in schools in coastal areas. Particularly common in shallow waters of coralline areas. Adults and sub-adults on reef flat, young above mangroves. Feeds by scraping algaefrom coral surface and browsing on seaweeds and seagrasses.
Distribution: Maldives to Western Pacific.
Remarks: Siganus /ineatus appears to be particularly common in the south of Maldives. It is not seen in the vicinity of Male’. It is very closely related to S. guttatus (Bloch) which differs by being entirely yellow spotted.