English Name: Narrow-banded spanish mackerel
Local Name: Galhi kurumas
Order: Perciformes
Size: Max. 2.2 m
Distinctive Characters: Two dorsal fins. The first with 15-18 spines, second dorsal fin with 15-20 rays followed by 8-10 finlets. Anal fin with 16-21 rays followed by 7-12 finlets. Pectoral fin with 21-24 rays. Lateral line wavy but abruptly bent downward behind second dorsal fin.
Colour: Deep blue-grey above, pale below. Numerous thin, wavy vertical bands on sides. Juveniles are frequently spotted.
Habitat and Biology: Pelagic in coastal waters at depths between 15 to 200 m. Forms small schools. Known to undertake longshore migrations. Feeds on small schooling fishes such as sardines.
Distribution: Indo-West Pacific.
Remarks: Scomberomorus commerson is rare in Maldives. Few specimens are landed at Male fish market among the much more common wahoo. S. commerson is a migratory species common off the coasts of Sri Lanka and India. The individuals that turn up in Maldives are perhaps strays from those countries.
Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepède, 1800)
Posted on at 12:53 PM
Galhi kurumas,
Narrow-banded spanish mackerel,
Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepède 1800)