Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepède, 1800)

English Name: Narrow-banded spanish mackerel
Local Name: Galhi kurumas
Size: Max. 2.2 m

Distinctive Characters: Two dorsal fins. The first with 15-18 spines, second dorsal fin with 15-20 rays followed by 8-10 finlets. Anal fin with 16-21 rays followed by 7-12 finlets. Pectoral fin with 21-24 rays. Lateral line wavy but abruptly bent downward behind second dorsal fin.

Colour: Deep blue-grey above, pale below. Numerous thin, wavy vertical bands on sides. Juveniles are frequently spotted.

Habitat and Biology: Pelagic in coastal waters at depths between 15 to 200 m. Forms small schools. Known to undertake longshore migrations. Feeds on small schooling fishes such as sardines.

Distribution: Indo-West Pacific.

Remarks: Scomberomorus commerson is rare in Maldives. Few specimens are landed at Male fish market among the much more common wahoo. S. commerson is a migratory species common off the coasts of Sri Lanka and India. The individuals that turn up in Maldives are perhaps strays from those countries.