Sargocentron tiereoides (Bleeker, 1853)

English Name: Pinkstriped squirrelfish
Local Name: Berebedhi raiverimas
Size: Max. 16.5 cm

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 11 spines and 12-14 rays. Anal fin with 4 spines and 9-10 (usually 9) rays. Pectoral fin with 14-16 rays. Body depth 2.7-3.0 in standard length. Nasal fossa without spinules. Preopercular spine about two-thirds of eye diameter.

Colour: Striped silvery red. Red stripes and silvery interspaces of about equal width. Spiny dorsal red with white tips. Other fins red; anal and pelvics with white leading edge.

Habitat and Biology: Associated with coral reefs. Nocturnal.

Distribution: Indo-Pacific.

Remarks: Sargocentron tiereoides is an uncommon species, and the original report in the Catalogue of Fishes of the Maldives Vol. 3, p.388-89. was the first record from the Maldives. It was based on a specimen collected from a cave in 35 m on the outer reef slope by Dr. John E. Randall and MRS staff.