English Name: Regal angelfish
Local Name: Kula kokaamas
Order: Perciformes
Size: Max. 25 cm
Specimen: MRS/0223/88

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 13-14 spines and 18-19 rays. Anal fin with 3 spines and 18-19 rays. Pectoral fin rays 16-17. Body not as deep as Pornacanthus spp. Lateral line terminates below end of dorsal fin. About 8 rows of scales on operculum.
Colour: Brilliant orange with about 8 black-edged white bars on sides between nape and caudal
peduncle. Blue lines on head and anal fin. Juveniles with large black spot on base of dorsal fin, becoming diffused blue patch in adults.
Habitat and Biology: Usually seen swimming from one coral crevice to another in depths up to 20m. Feeds on sponges and tunicates.
Distribution: Indo-Pacific.
Remarks: The superb colouration of PygopIites diacanthus makes this a favourite with aquarists and divers alike. The specimens from the Maldives and the Indian Ocean are if anything more beautiful than those from the Pacific Ocean, which have a rather dull blue-grey (instead of bright orange) chin.