English Name: Shadowfin soldierfish
Local Name: Hiyani dhanbodu
Order: Beryciformes
Size: Common to 25 cm; max. 32 cm
Specimen: MRS/0322/88

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 10 spines, followed by I spine and 14-16 rays. Anal fin with 4 spines and 12-14 rays. Pectoral fin with 15-16 rays. Body depth 2.1-2.6 in standard length. Body oblong. inner pectoral axil naked except for one (rarely two) moderate scales on lower half.
Colour: Silvery, suffused with pale salmon, distinctive black blotches on soft dorsal, anal and caudal fins. Spiny dorsal black except for clear stripe in the middle. Head dark.
Habitat and Biology: Prefers shallow waters around coral reefs to depths of 30 m. Hides in
caves during the day. Soldierfishes feeds at night mainly on the larger zooplankton.
Distribution: Indo-Pacific.
Remarks: Myripristis adusta is the largest species of the genus. Its size and distinctive colouration makes this species relatively easy to identify. Common in Maldives.