English Name: Silverstripe pufferfish
Local Name: Giulhu koli
Order: Tetraodontiformes
Size: Max. 85 cm
Specimen: MRS/P0484/97
Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 10-12 rays. Anal fin with 8-11 rays. Pectoral fin with 15-18 rays. Body almost square in cross-section. Body and caudal peduncle elongate, depressed. Spinules on backextend past dorsal fin almost to caudal fin. Caudal fin moderately lunate.
Colour: Dorsal surface greenish with dark brown or black spots. Belly white. A broad silver band along sides from mouth to caudal fin. A silver blotch in front of eye. Pectoral base and inside of gill opening black.
Habitat and Biology: Pelagic and oceanic, but occasionally coming closer to reefs.
Distribution: Indo-West Pacific.
Remarks: Lagocepha/us sceleratus is one of the largest species of the family. It is notcommon in Maldives. Previously recorded under the family Lagocephalidae. A highly poisonous fish. The skin, liver, andparticularly ovaries of most puffer (perhaps all) species contain an extremely potent alkaloid poison called tetrodotoxin.
Lagocephalus sceleratus (Forster, 1788)
Posted on at 1:19 PM
Giulhu koli,
Lagocephalus sceleratus (Forster 1788),
Silverstripe pufferfish