English Name: Many-spined angelfish
Local Name: Kashi kokaamas
Order: Perciformes
Size: Max. 12 cm
Specimen: MRS/0I54/87

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 14 spines and 15-17 rays. Anal fin with 3 spines and 16-17 rays. Pectoral fin rays 17. Body depth 1.6-2.0 in standard length. Preorbital edge with small, subequal spines. Front of snout with a U-shaped notch over upper jaw.
Colour: Dark brown, almost black. Black blotch just behind upper end of gill opening. Lips, opercular spine and edges of fins brilliant, neon blue.
Habitat and Biology: Usually seen on reef edges and slopes. A shy omnivorous species feeding on algae. and associated invertebrates.
Distribution: Indian Ocean.
Remarks: Centropyge muirispinis is a very common fish on Maldivian reefs, but its dark colouration and retiring habits mean that it is easily overlooked.