English Name: Doublespotted queenfish
Local Name: Kashi vaali, Hondeli fahaa vaali, Eka vaali
Order: Perciformes
Size: Max. 70 cm Specimen: MRS/P0123/87

Distinctive Characters: First dorsal fin with 6-7 spines, second dorsal with I spine and 19-21 rays. Anal fin with 2 detached spines followed by I spine and 17-19 rays. Maxilla extends to or slightly beyond rear margin of eye. No scutes: scales on midbody lanceolate in adults.
Colour: Silvery grey. Adults with a double series of 6-8 dusky blotches above and below lateral line, occasionally connected by a narrow band. Top half of dorsal fin lobe dark. Pelvics yellow.
Habitat and Biology: Inhabits inshore waters from shallow lagoons to offshore areas from the surface to depths of 100 m. Feeds on other fishes and small crustaceans.
Distribution: Indo-West Pacific.
Remarks: Although by no means common, Scomberoides lysan is caught fairly regularly by Maldivian fishermen using hand-lines near reefs. It has a number of local names: ’vaali’ refers to this type of fish; kashi’ (spine) refers to the row of dorsal spines; hondelifahaa means sprat-chasing; and ‘eka’ (one) presumably refers to the fact that it is normally caught singly.