English Name: Reef triggerfish
Local Name: Gabulhi fattaa rondu
Order: Tetraodontiformes
Size: Max. 25 cm
Specimen: MRS/0346/89

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 3 spines and 23-24 rays. Anal fin with 20-21 rays. Pectoral fin with 13-15 rays. No grooves infront of eyes. 4-5 rows of small forward curving spines posteriorly on body. Caudal fin rounded, the corners acute.
Colour: Ground colour olive brown above, pale below. Black band across body, and black triangular patch on caudal peduncle. Black areas partially outlined with green-yellow. Orange at base of pectoral.
Habitat and Biology: Common in the shallow outer reef environments exposed to surge. Diet even morevaried than R. aculeatus, feeding on a wide range of invertebrates, fishes and also algae.
Distribution: Indo-Pacific.
Remarks: Rhinecanthus rectangulus is readily distinguished from R. acu/eatus (previous page), on the basis of colour pattern. Both are found on shallow areas, but R. rectangu/us prefers more exposed locations. R. rectangu/us is a very wary fish, hence difficult to approach under water.