Pseudalutarius nasicornis (Temminck and Schiegel, 1850)

English Name: Rhino filefish
Local Name: Hima fathirondu
Size: Common to 12 cm; max. 18 cm

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 2 detached spines and 43-50 rays. Anal fin with 41-46 rays. Pectoral fin with 11 rays. First dorsal spine very slender, origin anterior to eye. Pelvic fin rudiments absent. Body slender in juveniles, deep in adults.

Colour: Ground colour palebrown to grey, two brown stripes on body. Adults with closely set yellow spots on head and body, soft dorsal and anal pale yellow, caudal dark brown.
Habitat and Biology: In Maldives, known so far only from depths greater than 40 m, inside North Male Atoll.

Distribution: Indo-Pacific.

Remarks: Pseudalutarius nasicornis appears to be relatively rare in Maldives, but that may be partly because of its cryptic colouration and behaviour and its relatively deep-dwelling habits.