English Name: Promethean escolar
Local Name: Kattelhi
Order: Perciformes
Size: Max. 1 m (standard length)
Specimen: MRS/P0329/88

Distinctive Characters: First dorsal fin with 17-18 spines. Second dorsal fin with 1 spine, 17-20 rays, followed by 2 finlets. Anal fin with 2 comprised spines, 15-17 rays and 2 finlets. Pectoral rays about 15. Anal fin similar to the second dorsal fin in shape and size. Single lateral line curving sharply down between fourth to seventh dorsal spines.
Colour: Dark brown with violet reflections, fading to dull brown after death. First dorsal fin membrane black, other fins blackish brown.
Habitat and Biology: Oceanic and benthopelagic. Found at depths of 100 to 750 m. Nocturnal. Feeds on a wide variety of fishes, crustaceans and cephalopods.
Distribution: Warm waters of Atlantic, Indian and West and Central Pacific Oceans.
Remarks: This record of Promethichthys prometheus is based on a series of photographs of a specimen caught in very deep water by handline off Fuah Mulaku on the nights of 3-4 January 1987.