Parupeneus pleurostigma (Bennett. 1831)

English Name: goatfish
Local Name: Lah kalhuoh’
Size: Max. 30 cm
Specimen: MRS/0066/86

Distinctive Characters: First dorsal fin with 8 spines, second dorsal fin with I spine and 8 rays. Anal fin with 1 spine and 6 rays. Pectoral fin with 16 rays. Body depth 3.5-3.9 in standard length. Body moderately elongate. Barbels reaching about to rear margin of preopercle. 2-3 rows of scales in space between dorsal fins. 8 or 9 vertical scale rows along upper part of caudal peduncle.

Colour: Pale yellowish-brown to light red, shading to white or pale pink ventrally. A large round
black spot on lateral line below the gap between dorsal fins with a pale area behind it.

Habitat and Biology: Found near coral reefs. Feeds on henthic invertebrates.

Distribution: Indo-West Pacific.

Remarks: Parupeneus pleurostigmu is a fairly common goatfish in the Maldives. The males of this and other species of goatfishes wriggle their barbels rapidly during courtship.