English Name: Pearly rockskipper
Local Name: Haluvi venfunna
Order: Perciformes
Size: Max. 9 cm
Specimen: MRS/0250/88

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin deeply incised with 12-14 spines and 14-16 rays. Anal fin with 2 spines and 15-18 rays. Margin of upper lip usually fully crenulate. Nape with one cirrus on each side (occasionally absent). Supraorbital cirrus with many branches.
Colour: Whitish with numerous small irregular black spots on body which may group to form about 4 indistinct large blotches on upper side. An irregular black line behind the eye.
Habitat and Biology: Found mostly in the shallow inter-tidal zones of both protected lagoons and wave-swept outer reefs. It feeds on algae.
Distribution: Indo Pacific.
Remarks: Entomacrodus striatus is the most common and wide spread species of the genus. It is an active species, as the name rockskipper suggests. The blennies tend to take refuge in small holes in the reef into which they back tail first with the approach of danger.