English Name: Rainbow runner
Local Name: Maaniyaa mas
Order: Perciformes
Size: Common to 80 cm; max. 1 .2 m
Specimen: MRS/0009/86

Distinctive Characters: First dorsal finwith 6 spines, second dorsal tin with 1 spine and 25-30 rays (including finlets). Anal fin with only 2 spines, the first slightly detached from the rest of fin and covered by skin in larger individuals. The second spine continuos with 18-20 rays (including finlets). Elongate, fusiform and slightly compressed body. No scutes on lateral line. Caudal fin deeply forked.
Colour: Body deepblue above, light pink to white below. Three broad longitudinal olive to yellowish bands on body, middle one running from snout thr ugh eye to caudal peduncle.
Habitatand Biology: A pelagic species, usually found at or near the surface and close to reefs near oceanic islands. Forms small schools. Feeds on invertebrates and small fish.
Distribution: Circumtropical.
Remarks: Elagatis hipinnulata is sometimes associated with schools of K. pelamis (Skipjack tuna) and
young T. albacares (Yellowfin tuna), and often caught in pole and line fishing as a by-catch.