Carangoides orthogrammus Jordan and Gilbert, 1881

English Name: Island trevally
Local Name: Thumba handhi
Size: Common to 40cm; max. 70cm

Distinctive Characters: First dorsal fin with 8 spines, second dorsal fin with 1 spine and 28-31 rays. Anal fin with 2 detached spines, followed by I spine and 24-26 rays. Gill rakers on first gill arch including the rudiments, 28-32. Snout usually slightly angular. Lips in adults fleshy and pappilose. Breast naked ventrally to origin of pelvic fins, occasionally with a small patch of pelvic scales.

Colour: Rather dark silver-grey, tending to greenish above. Darkish yellow spots on sides, mostly below lateral line. Fine white margin to anal fin.

Habitat and Biology: Inhabits lagoons and seaward reefs to depths exceeding 50 m. Occurs singly, in pairs, or in schools. Feeds primarily on sand-dwelling crustaceans, worms and small fishes.

Distribution: Indo-Pacific and Eastern Pacific.

Remarks: Carangoides orthogrammus has a nearlyubiquitous occurrence at oceanic islands and is virtually absent from inshore, neritic areas.