English Name: Yellow-spotted trevally
Local Name: Dhon thiki handhi
Order: Perciformes
Size: Max. I m
Specimen: MRS/0502/97

Distinctive Characters: First dorsal fin with 8 spines, second dorsal fin with I spine and 25-30 rays.. Anal fin with 2 detached spines, followed by 1 spine and 21-26 rays. Total gill rakers (including rudiments) on first gill arch 22-27. Profile of head and nape slightly angularbecoming more steep with age. Adults’ mouth cleft distinctly below eye level.
Colour: Blue green above, silvery white below, usually with many small yellow spots on sides. Large adults with 3 black blotches in a mid-lateral row on flanks.
Habitat and Biology: Occurs in schools on rocky and coral reefs, but is occasionally found over offshore banks to depth of 100 m. Feeds mainly on invertebrates and fish.
Distribution: lndo-Pacific.
Remarks: Carangoidesfulvoguttatus is often observed patrolling the edge of reefs in its continuous search for food. This species appears not soabundant in the Maldives. However, individuals do occasionallyappear in Male fish market.