English Name: Coastal trevally
Local Name: Vabboa handhi
Order: Perciformes
Size: Max. 40 cm
Specimen: MRS/P0l46/87

Distinctive Characters: First dorsal fin with 8 spines, second dorsal fin with I spine and 20-23 rays. Anal fin with 2 spines followed by 1 spine and 16-20 rays. Gill rakers on first gill arch including the rudiments, 2 1-25. Naked area of breast extends well beyond pelvic fins. Soft dorsal lobe filamentous in young, but shorter than the head length in adults.
Colour: Silvery, somewhat darker above than below. Many small yellow spots on sides. Small black blotch on opercular margin. Edges of second dorsal and anal fin dusky.
Habitat and Biology: Commonly found over deeper coastal reefs, but rarely close to shore.
Distribution: Indo-West Pacific.
Remarks: While by no means common, Carangoides caeruleopinnatus appears to be the commonest of the noticeably deep-bodied Carangoides landed at Male fish market.