Atherinomorus lacunosus (Forster, 1801)

English Name: Hardyhead silverside
Local Name: Hithiboa
Size: Max. 15 cm

Distinctive Characters: Distal end of upper jaw extending backward to vertical through anterior border of pupil. Dentary bone sloping upward and backward, but never elevated posteriorly. Anterior edge of preopercle with a distinct notch above angle. Midlateral scale count 39-44.

Colour: Greenish-grey on back, the scale edges dusky. A silvery stripe on side, its upper edge with an iridescent blue line. Live fish translucent.

Habitat and Biology: Occurs in large stationery schools near the shore during the day. Feeds mostly at night on planktonic eggs, crustaceans and small fish.

Distribution: Indo-Pacific.

Remarks: Atherino,norus lacunosus is one of the two silverside species that are sometimes used as live bait by Maldivian tuna fishermen. Although it gives a good initial chumming response, the tunas soon stop feeding. The reason for this appears to be the silversides tough scales and bony body, which the tunas find indigestible. As a result, many tuna fishermen oppose the used of silversides as bait.