Alepisaurusferox Lowe, 1833

English Name: Longsnout lancetfish
Local Name: Fangadu tholhi
Size: Max. 2 m

Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin 32-45 rays. Anal fin 13-18 rays. Pectoral fin 12-15 rays. Pelvic fin 8-10 rays. No spines on fins. Elongate, compressed body. Large, sail-like first dorsal originating above or behind posterior margin of operculum. Second dorsal small and rubbery. Mouth very large with 3 fangs descending from roof. Caudal fin forked.

Colour: Dull brown. No white spots on dorsal fin membrane. Eyes turquoise.

Habitat and Biology: Found at moderate depths in oceanic waters.

Distribution: Circumglobal.

Remarks: Alepisaurustferox is occasionally seen by Maldivian fishermen some of whom say it is the juvenile sailfish. One individual of this species (93 cm in standard length) was taken by longline from the Ministry of Fisheries research vessel ’Miyavaali’ on 26.2.85 about 120 miles ENE of Male.